Pricing types

How to use different pricing types

About the pricing types

HeadQ offers a variety of pricing types to accommodate different customer preferences. These include: 
  • fixed pricing (one-time fee)
  • volume pricing (buy more, pay less)
  • pay per usepay per use (usage-based)
  • subscription pricing (recurring payments)

At HeadQ, pricing types are product-specific and are chosen based on the individual product.

Fixed pricing

Fixed pricing is a pricing model where a product always has a set price, regardless of the quantity purchased. For instance, let's consider an office chair that is priced at a fixed rate of 200€. Whether you buy one chair or several chairs, each unit will always cost 200€.

Volume pricing

In the volume pricing model, you have the ability to define the pricing thresholds for a product within its settings. This means that you can determine in which quantities the price of the product will be adjusted. For example, you can set the pricing tiers for an office chair as follows: purchasing one chair will be priced at 250€ per unit, buying five chairs will be priced at 220€ per unit, and acquiring ten chairs will be priced at 200€ per unit. By configuring these settings, you can control the volume pricing structure and tailor it to suit your business needs best.

Pay per use

The pay-per-use pricing model is employed when selling a product or service where the final price depends on its usage. In an online store, list the hourly / unit price in the product description and also specify the price in the terms and conditions. This model is commonly applied when offering services billing by working hours, as the exact quantity required is not yet determined. For instance, the hourly rate may be set at €100, but the purchased service at checkout does not have a fixed price due to the undecided quantity. It is crucial to clearly outline these conditions in the purchase terms to maintain transparency and prevent any potential misunderstandings.

Subscription pricing

The subscription pricing model sets a monthly price for a product or service. The price varies based on the quantity purchased, similar to fixed pricing, but is presented as "€/month." Subscription pricing is typically used for products or services where customers are billed on a monthly basis. Customers can see both the monthly and annual prices calculated during the checkout process. This model allows customers to have continuous access to the product or service while providing them with transparency regarding the monthly cost and the overall yearly expenditure. You can also use the Volyme pricing model in subscription pricing. 


When changing the pricing model or prices in the product settings, the updates become public immediately. This allows for easy and rapid adjustments to prices as needed. 

By instantly reflecting on the changes, you can efficiently modify prices whenever necessary, ensuring flexibility and responsiveness in adapting to market demands.