Setting up E-commerce tracking with Tag Manager and Google Analytics 4


In order to succeed with this tutorial, you need basic knowledge of how the google tag manager and analytics work.

Before you continue with this tutorial,

  • enable the data layer with your store
  • have installed Google Tag Manager on your site
  • have Google Analytics basic tracking setup

Google Tag Manager

HeadQ's data layer implementation is compatible with the GA4 e-commerce data model, so implementation is quite straightforward. You only need to create an event trigger and a GA4 event tag to pass the information to Analytics.

Create event Trigger

1. Create a new trigger (Triggers > New)

2. Name the trigger descriptive way (ie. GA4 Ecommerce Event)

3. Select "Custom event" as Trigger Type

4. Add possible events to "Event name" separated by Pipe (|) character

- view_item|add_to_cart|add_to_quote_cart|view_cart|begin_checkout|purchase|request_for_quote|begin_configuration|calculated_price

5. Check "Use regex matching"

6. Toggle "All Custom Events" as triggering firing option

7. Click Save

After configuration Trigger should look something like this

Create GA4 Event tag

  1. Create a new tag (Tags > New)
  2. Name the tag descriptive way (ie. GA4 | Ecommerce)
  3. Select "Google Analytics: GA4 Event" as the Tag Type
  4. Select the GA4 Configuration tag that you have used to set up normal GA4 tracking. (Google Analytics: GA4 Configuration)
  5. Select the predefined variable name to Event name by clicking the [+] button and select "Event" (type 6. Custom Event)
  6. In more settings under Ecommerce, check "Send Ecommerce data" and "Data Layer" as Data Source
  7. Move to the Trigger section and select the trigger you created in the previous step (ie. GA4 Ecommerce Event) as Firing Trigger.
  8. Click Save

After configuration Tag should look something like this

The final step is just to Submit workspace changes and you're done.